Why Purchase Fake Christmas Trees Over Living Ones?

7.5 ft PE Glacier Mixed Pine LED lights Fake Christmas TreesMore people are choosing to purchase fake Christmas trees than ever before. The reasons are as numerous as the artificial evergreens themselves. It can be because someone in the family is highly allergic to real trees. And rather than going without an evergreen year after year, they purchase an artificial version.

Another reason is that they are a cleaner alternative to live versions. People who are environmentally conscience have long purchased living Christmas trees. However, this trend is on the decline as fake Christmas trees are looking more life-like each year. They are also made with fewer pollutants, and their life span is significantly longer, lasting many years with proper care.

People who prefer less mess are choosing artificial evergreens as well. There is no worry about sap and needles littering the flooring, or overwatering creating a cesspool of mold under the carpet. With artificial trees, it is simple to set them up and take them down. They can then be stored in a bag, a plastic tote bin or a box, and a quick vacuuming will pick up the few “needles” left behind.

Lastly, for decorators, artificial evergreens are the best choice. These trees can easily bear the burden of heavy ornaments and decoration far easier than their live counterparts. There is no worry about sagging limbs or shifting of the decorations as the tree ages. Artificial branches can maintain their integrity for years to come.