Why Purchase Fake Christmas Trees Over Living Ones?

7.5 ft PE Glacier Mixed Pine LED lights Fake Christmas TreesMore people are choosing to purchase fake Christmas trees than ever before. The reasons are as numerous as the artificial evergreens themselves. It can be because someone in the family is highly allergic to real trees. And rather than going without an evergreen year after year, they purchase an artificial version.

Another reason is that they are a cleaner alternative to live versions. People who are environmentally conscience have long purchased living Christmas trees. However, this trend is on the decline as fake Christmas trees are looking more life-like each year. They are also made with fewer pollutants, and their life span is significantly longer, lasting many years with proper care.

People who prefer less mess are choosing artificial evergreens as well. There is no worry about sap and needles littering the flooring, or overwatering creating a cesspool of mold under the carpet. With artificial trees, it is simple to set them up and take them down. They can then be stored in a bag, a plastic tote bin or a box, and a quick vacuuming will pick up the few “needles” left behind.

Lastly, for decorators, artificial evergreens are the best choice. These trees can easily bear the burden of heavy ornaments and decoration far easier than their live counterparts. There is no worry about sagging limbs or shifting of the decorations as the tree ages. Artificial branches can maintain their integrity for years to come.

What Are Some Tips For Selecting An Artificial Christmas Tree?

7.5 or 9 Feet Tall Douglas Fir Lighted Artificial Christmas TreeSelecting an artificial Christmas tree can be tricky if one is unsure how to go about it. For years now, people have been deciding to purchase artificial trees over live ones for a variety of reasons. It may be that they are concerned about the environment, they have allergies to pine, don’t care for the pine needles or sap dropping on their flooring, or a number of other reasons. Regardless, sales of artificial evergreens continue to rise, as does the selection available.

So how does someone choose what artificial Christmas tree is right for them? Some essential things to consider are the size, needle type, and whether it should be pre-lit or not. The size factor depends on the ceiling height of the room, and the area in which it will sit will determine the girth. Heights vary significantly, and the widths are pretty standard, with either full or narrow being the primary choices. Needle types will be based on preference. This is where looking closely at detailed pictures on the Christmas stores website will be key. Most people already have an idea of what they prefer, but pay close attention to the pictures and descriptions. And when it comes to choosing either a pre-lit tree or an unlit version, decide on whether or not hanging lights is a joy or a nuisance. Manufacturers typically include replacement bulbs and have the strands wired so that if one bulb goes out, the rest remain lit.

What are some tips on what to do once the artificial Christmas tree has arrived, and is out of the box? Put it together and if lighted, plug it in to ensure it works. Then start forming the branches by gently pulling various branches out and turning the ends upward. To create a natural appearance, some should also face downward. Start from the bottom and work towards the top. Then adjust as necessary and fill the branches with decorations and enjoy.

The Benefits Of Searching Online For A Christmas Tree Sale

The Benefits Of Searching Online For A Christmas Tree SaleAn online Christmas tree sale is the perfect place to find an evergreen that will be used for years to come. Artificial trees have become quite popular, and many purchasers are doing so to help conserve natural resources. Artificial trees have come a long way, and they now look like the real thing. There are various heights and widths, and many come pre-lit, ready to go. A pre-lit Christmas tree for sale can come in a variety of bulb colors, with the most popular being multi-colored lights. White is the runner up in popularity, and then other solid bulb colors.

One of the biggest benefits to looking online for an artificial tree is the selection that is literally at the fingertips of the consumer. No longer do shoppers need to go from store to store searching for the right one, only to find that it is out of stock. Many times stores are only given a limited amount of trees, and when they are gone, they are gone until next season. So going online is by far the best place to shop.

The variety of artificial evergreens is the greatest thing about buying them online. But the first thing that needs consideration is the size. That will all depend on the available area of the room and the height of the ceiling. There are two main widths of an artificial evergreen; standard or slim.

Another consideration is the kind of needle. Some manufacturers use a mix of needles and others use just one type per tree. This is really a personal preference, so looking carefully at the pictures posted is the best way to choose.

So this year, instead of spending time going from store to store, get online and look at the selections there.

Choosing An Artificial Christmas Tree For Sale

Choosing An Artificial Christmas Tree For SaleEvery year more and more people are choosing an artificial Christmas tree for sale rather than the natural fir straight from the woods. Even without the muddy hunt for the perfect greenery, the faux option can provide the same amount of holiday cheer to any home.

19th century Germany was said to have been among the first to go with a less natural version made up of dyed feathers, while the majority today are constructed of a durable, fire-retardant PVC material. Additional materials such as wood, ceramic and glass are also utilized. Those that want something a bit more unique have many options to choose from as styles have come a long way. Assorted colors, flocking, pre-lit, and scented options are just a few of the variations available.

The American Christmas Tree Association found that upwards of 80% of those putting up this seasonal decor have opted for an artificial Christmas tree for sale in recent years. This is proof of the numerous reasons why replicas are ideal. Not only does their reusable nature make them cost effective over the years, they allow for flexibility and convenience in the decorating process. They are safe from fire hazards and call for little to no upkeep while erected. No more watering to keep up with or pine needles to dispose of. You can’t beat that! Yes, many people enjoy the fresh, pine scent that accompanies the real thing, but even that can be solved with the options available. Some come pre-scented, whereas aromatic sprays are also available to maintain the woodsy ambiance.

While the cutting and hauling may appeal to some, choosing to go with a fake tree can provide the same holiday spirit with even more time to make and treasure the more memorable holiday moments.